To disable SD-WAN mode on a Cisco 1121x router, you can use the following command:
router# controller-mode disable
Enable security license:
router(config)# license boot level securityk9
and reload
This blog is just about anything.
To disable SD-WAN mode on a Cisco 1121x router, you can use the following command:
router# controller-mode disable
Enable security license:
router(config)# license boot level securityk9
and reload
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Select Format: BBBike (latin1)
Select Area: Canada
Select Email:
Move or Resize Polygon by dragging the orange dots.
Click Extract when done.
Wait for the email to download the file.
Unzip file, and download "gmapsupp.img" and rename to your desired map name i.e "gmapsupp_can_am"
Upload the file to the /Garmin folder on your Edge 530.